六張肺片一張比一張清晰,癌指數由病發時的40.2下跌至11。醫生高興而鄭重地對我說:「法師,恭喜你啦 ,你完全康復啦!」
In accordance with the standing doctor’s order, last week I went in for my blood test. Like all the previous follow up appointments with the doctor, I have an x-ray of my lung too.
Six x-rays were taken of my lungs, and each x-rays looked better than the next. My cancer count from my blood test started at 40.2 when I was first diagnosed, and now it has fallen to 11. The doctor was thrilled with the report and declared, “Master, congratulation to you, you have recovered.”
To a patient affected with a serious illness, this brings joys and relief! This past 6 months, how many people have been so worried and concerned for me? How many people have provided strength and support? How many people have sent their blessing to me? My sincere gratitude, my sincere gratitude.
Someone asked how to accomplish recover so quickly?
Who is not a patient? Patient with illness all want to find the miracle cure, but they don’t know that chanting the sutra and praying to Buddha is medicine cause and effect is medicine, quiet meditation is medicine, compassion and charity is medicine, positive and optimistic attitude is medicine, loving kindness to others is medicine, meeting new friends is medicine, not to be in fear is medicine…
I send blessing to those that are living and struggling with sickness and wishing everyone a speedy recovery; to obtain recovery, please use the medicine provided.
Ven. Yin Yeung
June 29, 2015 5:47 pm
Yesterday, the Hong Kong Center celebrated “Bathe the Buddha” event at Welsh Hospital in Shatin, followed by a small lecture, to share how I am mentally dealing with my cancer as so many people are concerned about my current situation.
I am very grateful, but for the one lump the size of an egg on my tail bone, which pains me 24 hours a day, I have practically forgotten that I am a cancer patient.
Last night, I was tired, a full nights rest without any dream. This morning I woke up, the sharp pain that I have been experiencing for the past few months seems to be gone? I used my hand to touch it, ay yah! To my amazement the lump that I touch each day has disappeared. In my excitement and surprise, I quickly asked Shuen Sze Fu, Tan Sze Fu and Deng Sze Fu , and asked them to touch it, previously all the Sze fu(s) have touched the lump and have always felt very badly. At that moment, we really had mixed feelings.
I am ever so grateful to the Buddha that is in my heart. I’m not going to infer what force granted me another opportunity, just hope more people believe that whether it is suffering or sickness, Buddhism has a good solution.
Ven. Sik Yin Yeung
May 18, 2015 4:22 pm
Sitting at the Doctor’s Office, watching patients come and go, most of the patients are ashen face, emaciated, and without strength and energy. Not long ago, was I not just like them? After three months of treatment and rest, my health is much improved.
Today after my doctor’s visit, and after his thorough review of the X-ray, the doctor declared that I have made significant improvement, and again gave praised to me of how well I am doing. As such, he recommended that my next follow up appointment should be in two months. The nurses were so happy to tell me that I look so well, and they would like to know how I did it. With gratitude from many good affinities, and staying on the path of goodness, I know I will get better!
Ven. Sik Yin Yeung
May 4, 2015, 4:38pm
今日覆診,照X光證實,腫瘤已大幅度縮細和減少,頸部的淋巴擴散已完全消失,體重也增加了3 磅。醫生和身邊的人都很高興,一頓開心的午餐,作為這三個月安心養病的勉勵和對未來的祝福。
謝天謝地!這份深藏的 感恩,當然也有您們的一份,感謝您們日夜給我送上的祝禱。
2015年4月1日 15:12
Today, following a follow up doctor’s appointment, and confirmed by an X-ray, the size of the tumor has reduced and are significantly less, as for the cancer that metastasis to the lymph nodes in the neck, they have all disappeared. I have also gained 3 pounds. The doctor and the folks by my side are very happy. We had a happy luncheon to mark the three months of rest, recuperation, encouragement and blessing for the future! This deep gratitude and you are a part of it, thank you for sending me blessings day and night
Ven. Sik Yin Yeung
April 1, 2015 15:12
Someone reminded: Master, take a picture and post to the web, you haven’t had an update in a while.
When a person is subject to the kind attention of others, it should be comforting, right? But honestly, everyone have their own life, who will permanently care about you?
It seems we just celebrated the New Year and looking back, actually a quarter of the year has passed already. Time flies to the point not allowing us to have any excuses. Quickly add to your life a few more beautiful strokes of calligraphy! You know, that until now, you care about me, I care about you.
Ven. Yin Yeung
March 26, 2015 22:28
Buddhist Compassion Organization
Last night at the lecture our organization sponsor for Ven. Sik Yin Kit, there was a super surprise! Ven. Sik Yin Yeung suddenly appeared on stage, the entire audience was so moved to a standing ovation and thunderous applause. Yeung Sze Fu is facing cancer with a sense of balance, and embracing the agony of sickness with a happy heart. In the midst of her coughing, she is continues chattering with stream of humor.The audience are relieved, many were so moved to tears and laughter at the same time! Although Yeung Sze Fu is currently taking a break to rest and undergo treatment, is she not still sharing Dharma with us? We wish Yeung Sze Fu a speedy recovery.
The Center in Hong Kong celebrated their group New Year celebration. Yeung Sze Fu, made an unscheduled surprised appearance. Of course, everyone in attendance was overjoyed, and the room erupted in thunderous applause.
Yeung Sze Fu shared that currently her only responsibility is to take care of herself. Since the inception of the Center in Hong Kong, each time when she travels even if it is a month, she has never had to call in because each of the staff personnel, are very clear on their job duties and responsibilities. As per normal, due to her illness, she has not been at the Center for the past two months and she has not had to call in either. The reason is because, the nature of the Center is not directed by an organization, but rather it is guided by the fundamental principal “to server without introspection”. If there is a goal and target, you will know what direction to take. Yeung Sze Fu also said, she will rest for one half of a year, and take good care of the guest residing in her body.
Sze Fu further encouraged us to make a commitment, that if during the course of our life, we should be confronted with the unexpected and difficult situations and affinity, each of us with dedication, and love can face any adversity and overcome them.
Everyone at the Center wished Yeung Sze Fu good health, and propitious every day. The congregation promised Sze Fu not to worry, as they are good students, and will remember the lessons she has taught them. Yeung Sze Fu was on the drums, leading the congregation in the Triple Jewel Song, with the glorious chorus, the blessing of the Triple Jewel vibrated inside each of us.
No matter how we live our life, there is always time and space that belongs to us. Take a minute, allow your heart to settle down, thank the heavens for treating you kindly, be grateful for all the affinity, and be grateful that we are still breathing.
We have been granted so much, like today everything belongs to you and me. If each of us should do a good deed with a grateful heart, be it helping an individual, or complete a long forgotten unfinished task either for yourself or for others, you will discover every day is People Day*.
Ven. Yin Yeung
February 25, 2015, 9:47 AM
*On the 7th day of the Lunar Calendar, it is People Day
衍陽 恭賀
Wishing you and your family the best of health, the best at all that you do, and propitious every day.
Best Wishes
Ven. Sik Yin Yeung
Year of the Ram
I am using my own strength to provide encouragement for myself. Today, with deep devotion, I used silver ink to write the Heart Sutra. I did not have enough energy, and my hands were shaking, the first writing had wrong words, the second writing had omissions, this third writing with dedication and commitment took almost three hours to complete. I feel Quan Yin (Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva) is with me to overcome my illness.
Ven. Yin Yeung
February 15, 2015 11:47 PM
病人有病人的責任:治療、休息、禪坐、吃喝,還有與藥師佛深情親切的溝通。每日我都在知足感恩的心情中輕鬆度過。當發覺自己得到的,原來比失去的多很多時,那一刻,每個人都是無量壽佛。 不是生日,只是身邊的人常為我打氣,祝禱我重生,於是一糕一餅都點上蠟燭。 當心中有光時,日日都是「生」日。
2015年2月12日上午 8:45
Patients have patient’s responsibilities: treatment, rest, meditate, eat, drink, and to develop a deep, loving and open relationship with the Buddha of Healing
Each day, I am relaxed and filled with gratitude. When each of us discover that we have received so much more than what have actually loss, in that moment each and every one of us is filled with Buddha of Infinity.
It is not my birthday, only that there are so many people providing so much support and wishing me longevity. As such, a candle is in each piece of pastry that is served to me.
When your heart is illuminated, every day is your “Birth” day.
Ven. Yin Yueng